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Parent Marcie Doyle sharing something that her daughter said about how Abbot Academy is shaping up. Overall, she is really pleased by what she is seeing and hearing.

Letter to Don Gordon addressing the need to distract the girls when they get back from being home from break to prevent them from being homesick.

Letter to Don Gordon from Laura H. Milton thanking him and the trustees for the work that they do at Abbot Academy. Only complaint was lack of milk served during meal times.

Letter thanking Don Gordon for his efforts over the years and for being an important and integral part of their daughter's education.

Letter to Don Gordon from Jay Rodgin in regards to the final year of Abbot. Says that Gordon's "yankee hospitality" far exceeds his own "southern hospitality."

Letter to Don Gordon thanking him for being their while Jane Comely's daughter was in the hospital.

Letter to Don Gordon from Betsy Pennink, a concerned parent about the news of the merger with Phillips Academy the following fall. She expresses her concern about the classroom experience and other issues she believes will arise when the schools…

Letter from former student Shauna T. to Don Gordon about her withdrawl from Abbot Academy.

Postcard from Sara G writing after watching the first spacelab launch in Florida.

Letter to Don Gordon from Noelle B. Beatty, Abbot class of 1950, writing in support of the merger with Phillips Academy.
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