Letter from former student Laura to Don Gordon addressing all the things that she had wanted to say to him after graduation, but never got the chance to.
Letter from former student Kim to Don Gordon about her experiences at her new high school and thanking him for all of his help. Also mentions that she has been writing a lot of poetry and is really glad for the change of events that happened in her…
Letter to Don Gordon from former student Jackie Frazier in her senior year at college. The letter covers a range of topics, but mostly discusses the forum and in the end she talks about a donation to Abbot to help towards the 11,000 dollar…
Letter to Don Gordon from Heide Kropp about the difficulties of building relationships in college and the importance of letter seniors at Abbot know that there are always alternatives to college.
Letter from former student Carolyn Naijeh to Don Gordon giving general updates on her life after Abbot. Including deferring from Vanderbilt and taking a trip to California.
Letter from former student Abby M. Anderson to Don Gordon all the way from England. Expresses her feelings of missing New England and her gratitude towards people that she met while at Abbot, making her time in the Americas easier.